Mr. President: If you allow me, with all the respect he deserves I must refute to the wrong precipitated ideas of Mr. Henry. Such opinions are not worthy of a well educated man. I respect his ideas but we can see his thoughts clearly lack of enough coherence. How dare he refer in such way to his majesty and the loved mother Britain? After all it represents and all it means. You should be accused of treason due to such disloyalty. You colonists must be grateful for all we have done for you. We have given you protection and everything you need. It is reasonable then to ask your contribution for our economic and social stability. We have lost many things and taken many risks for your own sake, including our money and troops. We have enough reasons then to establish our army in your lands. Our troops deserve then to be treated the best way possible. So yes, there is justification, contrary to what you believe. All the reasons you have stated we deserve to be called tyrants or oppressors have actually been to maintain control and safety on these lands. What I don’t think there is justification for is to start a war. You say you want a revolution, but you must be careful with what you wish for. Do you really believe there is a necessity to take such decision? I think there are other measures that can be taken rather than those precipitated ones you mentioned. You must first ask yourself if it is really worth going against us and losing all benefits and privileges we have for so long provided you. Certainly there will be more losses than gains with a war. It wouldn’t be wise to be enemies. Just think about all the benefits there are with us being allies. It would hurt your economy as we Britain has been your main source for products and trading. You would also have to cost many expenses to fight the war which we have provided you in the past. Also it must be considered the powerful and well developed army we have. This factor along with the experience we have are big advantages which would make easy our defeat. Not to mention as well we know of strong allies which can help us. I warn you again this is not the best solution, both of us will end affected. We understand you want more liberty and I think that every man has the right for it, but I think it is unnecessary you fight a war for it. Surely we can discuss this and come up with terms that we all agree on and improve our relationship. His majesty and our legislature are always open to suggestions, but it seems you never seem to be satisfied with the options and solutions we offer. You keep in mind you background and origins, think about the nation that gave you life and has us here today. Is it appropriate to harm and go against our beloved Britain, not for a man who has values and principles. I ask you then to reconsider what you have said. A revolution will not bring any better future; it will just cause havoc and destroy everything we have worked so hard for.
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