Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog #3 - Antonio Vallejo

Today we are facing hard times; there have been many natural disasters and catastrophes. Many issues like global warming are becoming more evident.  This is what we get for treating Mother Nature in such bad ways. Our recklessness towards the ecology and unwise manners has cost us many things. It is time we open our eyes. We need to realize what we are putting ourselves into. Pollution is ending with what is left of our dear earth, the home in which we all live. Our imprudence must stop if we want to preserve the beauty in our planet for ourselves and future generations. We need to act together consciously to cease this huge problem which is pollution. For this we must cultivate good habits towards nature in the children and youth. They must be educated further about this issue. As the future they are our hope to preserve this planet. Many become indifferent as the problem is not projected enough to them. With this purpose I speak to all families and homes to contribute for the benefit of everyone who shares this planet with you. Parents should contribute educating their kids since early ages forming them a habit of caring towards the ecology. Children must learn to be conservative with energy as this is a big factor that causes pollution. Constantly remind them to turn off every light or any electric device that is in no use. This should be part of the discipline in home by calling their attention or reproaching them when they don’t do so. Strict measures should be taken in consideration with wastes. Everyone in the family should also know about the importance of recycling. This should be a habit every home should have. It is important to reduce wastes.  Every family should also purchase a hybrid car. They have many advantages, besides being eco-friendly they have better mileage and you don’t need to worry about paying fuel with such high prices. If you don’t think buying a hybrid car is convenient for, you can help by using other forms of transportation instead of using your car when possible, like walking, biking, using public transportation, etc. Every home should also plant a tree. They are our best friends as they absorb carbon dioxide and give us shade. All this measures are to be taken into consideration for the benefit of our ecology. If each family contributes in this ways pollution will be reduced. All habits begin at home so we must all adopt and inculcate the right ones which are beneficial to our ecology. If we haven’t been conscious yet about this situation we must better start taking measures today. We must encourage everyone to do the same as well. If we don’t act together we will burn in the consequences this will bring. We will end up destroying ozone layer, running out of trees, running out of resources, killing all the beautiful animals and finally killing ourselves. We are going straight to our own grave. An unfavorable future waits for us if we continue to think it’s not a problem for us to solve without doing anything about it. Don’t let ignorance and indifference become our worst enemies. The decision at the end is of each and every one of us so think carefully. Mother Nature has done so much for us and we have done so little for her. Let’s fight pollution and conserve this beautiful place we all need from.

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