Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog #8 - Just Because Poem

Just Because There's Silence

Just because you are quiet
Doesn’t mean you don’t have something to say
It’s just not the right moment yet
To give your precious feelings away

Just because you remain silent
Doesn’t mean you don’t want to be heard
It’s just that they won’t listen closely
They won’t hear the graceful song of a bird

Just because you don’t grab attention
Doesn’t mean you are trying to hide
There’s no need for everyone but you
To really know and trust what’s inside

Just because you are alone
Doesn’t mean you won’t be given a chance
You just need to be patient to find
Someone that dances your same dance

Just because you think differently
Doesn’t mean you are crazy
It means everyone else is
And it’s ok if they never understand

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog #7

Perfect Leader, Perfect Society

                       The sun shined as its rays penetrated the depths of the blue ocean that sparkled in the fresh morning. It was a new day in the Oceanic kingdom. The mermaids sang with their angelic voices. The magnificent buildings that stood tall gave everyone a reason to work hard for another day. Harmony now prevailed in the seas, fish, sharks, dolphins, whales, mermaids, crabs; they all got along after so many years of rivalries and divisions. It could all be attributed to King Maximilian, who ruled the sea and had established peace and union among them. Everyone had respect for him and admired him.
            Before peace came the seas were filled with terror. It was the law of the strongest which prevailed; the strongest would survive and take advantage of the weakest. Under this the sharks were considered the fiercest of the creatures. They spread fear through the sea. They ate everything they could mostly small fish. Their leader was Manfred an ambitious shark who plan on taking over the sea and become the most powerful creature in the entire ocean. Soon the sharks built a regimen and dictatorship. Many opposed, the whales and the dolphins put considerable efforts against them but the sharks were too strong killed anyone who would oppose. No one dared then to go against him. He was smart and took advantage from the decisions that had been for so long established between the groups of fish; he made them fight against each other. Now all creatures had to work and produce for the shark without having rights.
Maximilian had been a dolphin that had been captive along with other dolphins in an aquarium where he was trained to do shows. Every day he remembered his home and longed to be there again. Maximilian was very astute, the brightest among his colleagues. He also had great diplomacy; dialogue was something he knew how to use and always kept as an advantage. This went together with an irresistible charisma. Soon he was able to get the admiration and respect from all the sea creatures in the aquarium. With help from his comrades, Jeremiah and Luther who were two of the most illustrious dolphins they soon came up with a plan to escape. Through his powerful speeches he made all the sea creatures in the aquarium to cooperate. They were motivated by the thought of returning home, to swim in the infinite blue sea.  As the opportunity presented just as the plan dictated the creatures escaped and returned home.
As Maximilian and the others returned they could not believe what the sharks had done. This was not the life that they remembered. No one knew what to do but there was someone they could count on: Maximilian who did not fear Manfred. He along with Jeremiah and Luther decided to create an assembly in which the most prepared dolphins would gather as they were considered to be the brightest creatures of the sea. They had secret meetings where they plan a rebellion against the sharks and to form an army that would be able to defeat them. They knew they had to gather followers. Soon they spread their ideas among the sea. Many were convinced and encouraged through Maximilian’s speeches. They were really powerful and he described in them how great the future would be if all sea creatures worked together cohesively but first they had to get rid of Manfred. In not much time thousands joined the army calling themselves the resistance.  Fish form all species were gathered. Manfred blinded by his confidence was warned of these rebellions but did not pay much attention to this; instead he was planning on how to conquer the human race. Many thought he was crazy but he did not listened to anyone.
The army was now ready. Jeremiah was in charge and was the general. He knew that if they could kill Manfred they would win. He gathered the strongest creatures. The army mainly consisted in swordfish, barracudas, devil rays, whales and seahorses. Manfred had not prepared his army enough and it was outnumbered by the resistance. Regardless of this the battle was tough but after days of intense fighting the resistance was able to defeat Manfred’s Army. Manfred had to surrender but did not give up easily. He tried to escape but he was assassinated in his attempt.
This was the end of the terror. Manfred was now dead and the regimen was over as tranquility was returned. Maximilian was seen as a hero and was venerated afterwards. He had demonstrated how working together cohesively and staying firm upon your beliefs helped accomplish great things. Maximilian and his followers tried to spread these ideas of unity, ending with many divisions and conflicts fish had through the years. Everyone was convinced about him being a great leader and was crown king of what was now called the oceanic kingdom, a kingdom in which its habitants learned to work together. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog #6 - Antonio Vallejo

            There are times where God proves our will for good and benevolence. People are placed in our lives so we can give them help. I’ve always believed that we must show good intentions towards anything or anyone and any time we have the opportunity we must lend our hand to those in need no matter who it is. We must not expect that person to return the favor but a good cause always brings blessings. As a bishop devoted to God this is what I practice. Certainly I’ve had many situations to do so but there was one this time when I truly realized how important it is to keep a good heart towards anyone no matter how far from God they may be, we actually must help them get closer to him. Still to this day I remember that night, the night when he knocked on the door.
         It was another evening as usual. I had just taken my every day walk through town. Arriving home I continued with my duties. As I read and worked there in the middle of silence and tranquility it was time to have dinner. Madame Magloire was serving the plates as she was talking with sister Baptistine. She was saying something about locking the front door apparently because she had heard some nonsense rumors of a thief or fugitive, something like that so she thought we were running danger. The truth is I was not paying much attention to what she said and that idea was completely unnecessary.  There was no reason to be scared. Why should I deny anyone from coming to this home? After all it is God’s home not mine. Suddenly just as we spoke of the matter someone was knocking the front door, without thinking I just told him to come in as I did to anyone who knocked.
           The stranger opened the door as we all examined him as he stood there looking with uncertainty. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all by his presence but I remember looking at Madame Magloire who was frozen and terrified; I never understood why she always acts that way. The man looked desperate; I could see the suffering in his eyes. His skin was pale, his eyes were extremely tired and his voice was rough and so dry it was painful to hear. He explained who he was and his situation. I can recall his name was Jean Valjean. He said he was a convict that had been released and that he had walked 12 leagues looking for a place to stay but no one would let him in. How could I not offer this poor man my home when he had no shelter to rest? He was probably starving so the first thing I told Madam Magloire was to out another plate in the dining table. I will never forget Valjean’s face as I said this. He looked in confusion and amazement but still there was a joy at the same time shining in his eyes. He kept saying he was I convict but I tried to calm him down saying it did not matter. It made me feel glad he was now relieved and that I could give this poor man tranquility after so much misery. He offered to pay but I could not permit such thing, I could not take advantage of his situation. Knowing he had sinned I told him that he just had to regret what he did and look for good. I knew through his eyes that he had no bad intentions, he was just misunderstood, having no family he just needed love.
           However something happened the next day. Jean Valjean was gone, I wondered why he didn’t stay for breakfast. I was contemplating the delightful bright flowers in my garden, enjoying the fresh smell in the air when suddenly Madame Magloire came running in panic. It was not something unusual. Instantly I could deduce it was something related with the man that had stayed last night. I just wondered what he could’ve done. She asked me at first where the silver basket was, I handed it to her but then hysterically she asked where the silver was. Apparently it had been stolen by Valjean. I tried to calm her down. After all the silver didn’t belong to us at first, but it belonged to the poor. I did not feel any disgust towards the man as he was poor but felt sorrier for him. He evidently needed guidance and change his ways. His actions were comprehensible because of his necessities I just wished I could make follow the right path. I was thinking of this as there were several knocks on the door. At first I thought it could be him wanting to return the silver, maybe he had that much of honesty. I went to open the door and effectively he was there but in company of two officials. Shame and fear were widely present in his face. The officials were intimidating as they asked me if he had stolen the silver. There was no way I was going to let that poor man go to jail again I would never forgave myself for it. God understands why I had to lie; I had to save him from himself. I told them I had given him the silver. He was then set free but whispering I made him promised that he would use the silver to be an honest man. He deserved another opportunity and I had to give it to him. I haven't heard from him since then but my best wishes go to him. I hope he is having a better life. I'm sure he is doing fine and that he has learned from all his mistakes and that he has taken this opportunity to find God.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #5 - Reflections on the Declaration of Independence - Antonio Vallejo

John Adams in this letter talks about the expeditions to establish Quebec as a colony. The troops fail due to a pestilence they had of smallpox. Afterwards he reflects on the declaration of independence and how it will be a historic event which will be celebrated through many generations in America. Regardless of that he knows there will be blood spill as not everyone will be happy with it.

Rethorical Devices

“You will think me transported with enthusiasm but I am not. I am very well aware of the toil and blood and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these states” (Adams 686).

This is a good example of appeal to reason. It shows how Adams thinks rationally of the situation. Even though he is really enthusiastic he still predicts the conflict that will take place as not everyone will be happy with the independence. He understands and points out there might be sacrifices in order to obtain liberty. This device is important to the letter because it helps the reader understand the situation better and see both sides of it. 

“Yet through all the gloom I can see rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all means. And that prosperity will triumph in that day’s transaction” (Adams 686).

This is a good example of persuasion. John Adams is trying to convince the reader that the declaration of independence will still be a significant event that will benefit America through the next generations even though misfortune must be present for this to be achieved. It is important for the letter because it supports the writers idea which remains consistent through the whole letter about the good of the declaration and persuades the reader to agree with his position.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog #4 - Antonio Vallejo

            Mr. President: If you allow me, with all the respect he deserves I must refute to the wrong precipitated ideas of Mr. Henry. Such opinions are not worthy of a well educated man. I respect his ideas but we can see his thoughts clearly lack of enough coherence. How dare he refer in such way to his majesty and the loved mother Britain? After all it represents and all it means. You should be accused of treason due to such disloyalty.  You colonists must be grateful for all we have done for you.  We have given you protection and everything you need. It is reasonable then to ask your contribution for our economic and social stability. We have lost many things and taken many risks for your own sake, including our money and troops. We have enough reasons then to establish our army in your lands. Our troops deserve then to be treated the best way possible. So yes, there is justification, contrary to what you believe. All the reasons you have stated we deserve to be called tyrants or oppressors have actually been to maintain control and safety on these lands. What I don’t think there is justification for is to start a war. You say you want a revolution, but you must be careful with what you wish for. Do you really believe there is a necessity to take such decision? I think there are other measures that can be taken rather than those precipitated ones you mentioned. You must first ask yourself if it is really worth going against us and losing all benefits and privileges we have for so long provided you. Certainly there will be more losses than gains with a war. It wouldn’t be wise to be enemies. Just think about all the benefits there are with us being allies. It would hurt your economy as we Britain has been your main source for products and trading. You would also have to cost many expenses to fight the war which we have provided you in the past. Also it must be considered the powerful and well developed army we have. This factor along with the experience we have are big advantages which would make easy our defeat. Not to mention as well we know of strong allies which can help us. I warn you again this is not the best solution, both of us will end affected. We understand you want more liberty and I think that every man has the right for it, but I think it is unnecessary you fight a war for it. Surely we can discuss this and come up with terms that we all agree on and improve our relationship. His majesty and our legislature are always open to suggestions, but it seems you never seem to be satisfied with the options and solutions we offer. You keep in mind you background and origins, think about the nation that gave you life and has us here today. Is it appropriate to harm and go against our beloved Britain, not for a man who has values and principles. I ask you then to reconsider what you have said. A revolution will not bring any better future; it will just cause havoc and destroy everything we have worked so hard for. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog #3 - Antonio Vallejo

Today we are facing hard times; there have been many natural disasters and catastrophes. Many issues like global warming are becoming more evident.  This is what we get for treating Mother Nature in such bad ways. Our recklessness towards the ecology and unwise manners has cost us many things. It is time we open our eyes. We need to realize what we are putting ourselves into. Pollution is ending with what is left of our dear earth, the home in which we all live. Our imprudence must stop if we want to preserve the beauty in our planet for ourselves and future generations. We need to act together consciously to cease this huge problem which is pollution. For this we must cultivate good habits towards nature in the children and youth. They must be educated further about this issue. As the future they are our hope to preserve this planet. Many become indifferent as the problem is not projected enough to them. With this purpose I speak to all families and homes to contribute for the benefit of everyone who shares this planet with you. Parents should contribute educating their kids since early ages forming them a habit of caring towards the ecology. Children must learn to be conservative with energy as this is a big factor that causes pollution. Constantly remind them to turn off every light or any electric device that is in no use. This should be part of the discipline in home by calling their attention or reproaching them when they don’t do so. Strict measures should be taken in consideration with wastes. Everyone in the family should also know about the importance of recycling. This should be a habit every home should have. It is important to reduce wastes.  Every family should also purchase a hybrid car. They have many advantages, besides being eco-friendly they have better mileage and you don’t need to worry about paying fuel with such high prices. If you don’t think buying a hybrid car is convenient for, you can help by using other forms of transportation instead of using your car when possible, like walking, biking, using public transportation, etc. Every home should also plant a tree. They are our best friends as they absorb carbon dioxide and give us shade. All this measures are to be taken into consideration for the benefit of our ecology. If each family contributes in this ways pollution will be reduced. All habits begin at home so we must all adopt and inculcate the right ones which are beneficial to our ecology. If we haven’t been conscious yet about this situation we must better start taking measures today. We must encourage everyone to do the same as well. If we don’t act together we will burn in the consequences this will bring. We will end up destroying ozone layer, running out of trees, running out of resources, killing all the beautiful animals and finally killing ourselves. We are going straight to our own grave. An unfavorable future waits for us if we continue to think it’s not a problem for us to solve without doing anything about it. Don’t let ignorance and indifference become our worst enemies. The decision at the end is of each and every one of us so think carefully. Mother Nature has done so much for us and we have done so little for her. Let’s fight pollution and conserve this beautiful place we all need from.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blog #2 - Antonio Vallejo

I once did believe that I would never be able to see the world I lived in and enjoyed so much again. Going through such a distressing situation which I wasn't prepared for can really change your life, change your attitude and your way of looking at things. My name is Jay Sharma and I am blessed for being able to tell my story. It all just took me by surprise. Never you imagine that what you feel can be a great time in your life can turn into tour worst nightmare. With terror I remember the day. They were supposed to be vacations that we would all enjoy but it didn't turn that way at all.

We were traveling the Indian south coasts on a ferry . It was a tour i took with my dad and my younger brother Jacob who was two years younger than me. My mom decided to stay home with my brother Chahel, a six year old, too young to go according to my mom so she had to stay and take care of him and besides she always feared to be in a ship in the middle of the sea. I was in no mood to go on the trip with my dad. The idea of being in a ferry with for two days and go Fishing did not appealed me at all. I hated the beach anyways and that was enough reason. Jacob though was excited and well between him and my dad I was convinced and decided that I had nothing to loose. Needless to say I spent most of the time complaining. I would use whatever I could as an excuse for hating to be there and why it was all just a stupid idea. “it smells really bad in here”, “I’m hungry” or simply “I’m bored” were only a few examples.
“would you just shut up and relax?” said
“You shut up, why did I agree on coming?”
“Think about dad, just let him enjoy it. What’s the problem about just spending a week together on the sea? Just try to look the good side.”
“There’s no good side, this sucks, what a stupid idea.”
At that moment there was no way that Jacob or anyone was going to convince me. Yet too busy in my abstinence I hadn’t thought enough about my words and how they could hurt, and to make it worse I hadn’t notice that my dad was listening to them.  I then went back to our room and decided to take a nap. I wasn’t tired, it was just a way to avoid my dad, maybe because I was ashamed and regretted what I had said.  I was not ready to apologize at that moment so I was going to wait until the next morning to do so. If I was going to spend  the next week with my brother and dad in the middle of the sea I had to deal with it and stop being such a queer, at least I was going to try not to complain so much about everything.

The next day I woke up in confusion, not knowing what was going on with my dad yelling at me and everyone else doing the same.
“Hurry, we must get out of here!”
“What? Why?
I had no idea of what was happening, pirates? Suddenly when I tried to calm down several shotguns were fired which froze my heart and I was just paralyzed.  My dad grabbed me and my brother and we just started running trying to find an exit. Everyone was running for their life, screaming desperately. There were all this men armed with shotguns, machineguns, grenades, and other dangerous weapons. They just grabbed people and fired their guns while screams suffocated the place. I even saw a mother and his baby being brutally beaten by two men.  Neither of us knew what to do and it was certainly too late. As we ran three men stood in front of us armed with hateful faces. They had bandanas around their foreheads with ripped wet t-shits. One of them had a big scar across his face that that covered half of his nose ending on a side of his mouth. He grabbed from the back my as I turned around the other way and as I shouted and did whatever I could a saw my dad and brother being grabbed as well taken from me. After a minute or so of resisting against him he kicked my in the ribs. Of course I stopped and remained quiet from then on. At that point I just though I would never be able to see my father, brother, mom or Chahel never again. We were all carried to the dock, he then showed me to one of his companions who nodded. He then tied me with a strap and told me to jump to a boat that was near with other people tied as well. There were about six or seven other boats. There was no choice because it was that or getting killed and thrower into the ocean, to my surprise many people chose that. So I jumped right on and terrified watched how others stupidly refused to be taken and were stabbed or shot. Others decided to jump into the ocean trying to swim but most of them were also shot. I just remained silent not wanting to believe what was happening. I never had been that much of a religious person and neither was my family, but at that moment I just prayed as much as I could and begged God he would protect my dad and brother. I looked around to the other boats trying to find Jacob or my dad, but I couldn’t. Having no idea of what would become of me I just hoped and prayed Jacob and my dad would be alright. The pirates also started to loot the ferry and loading all they could into a bigger boat.

We were then taken to their ship. It was not that big nor very small, big enough to held us all. The ship seemed pretty old and worn out. It was oxidized all around and had broken windows. As each boat was arriving we were carried into the ship. Some people again  out of desperation decided to jump into the ocean, regretting not doing it before. They all ended dead of course. I was not going to do anything to oppose, I just prayed to god and begged him everything would be alright. When you find yourself in a situation like this not knowing what will happen to you, suddenly you don’t fear death and nothing matters as it used to The only thing left is your hope and faith. I just hoped my family would be alright and wished to see Jacob and dad, so once in the ship I searched for them once again but it was useless. They were nowhere to be found. Our ferry though was not that far away and shocked I watched how it was burnt down sand slowly sank into the depths of the ocean that reflected the fire sparks.

Me and a group of people were taken into a small room that smelled really bad. We were seven. There was an old man, a woman, a child of about 10 years old and three other men. The room was big enough to keep our distance. The children was crying with his mouth covered and suddenly a pirate hit him with his shotgun.
“Shut up!” he growled, as the kid laid on the floor.
I don’t know what made me do what I did, but I was filled with rage after seeing that scene and no one doing anything that I just  got up and tried to hit the man, with my hands tied kicking him. He just raised his gun and hit me as hard as he could. After that I don’t remember anything as I was probably unconscious. Afterwards I woke up just feeling really hungry and tired. The first thing I noticed was that the woman and the child were gone. I didn’t to even think what they could have done to them nor I bothered to ask anyone. So I just laid there silent thinking about all my life. I was just sixteen years old and it seemed it would be all I’d be able to live. I just thought about home and how safe I felt back there with my family. I wished that mom could cook me something to eat but I would probably never eat her delicious meals again. Suddenly I felt anguished thinking on how my mother and Chahed would hopelessly wait for our return. How would she react when she find out we were dead or kidnapped? The thought of never being able to see my family again brought me into tears. The old man then looked at me and asked me what was wrong. I just stopped wiping, dried my tears and just said there was nothing wrong.
“Everything will be alright.” he said.
I appreciated his kind gesture but my hopes weren’t high enough, not even to return him a smile. About three days passed without food, they had only placed a bowl of water for each one of us each day, it was salt water but who cared? So after probably three or four days, I’m not really sure, they placed a raw fish in the room. The three men began to fight for it. I was in no condition to do such thing neither was the old man so we just patiently waited. To my surprise one of them handed me half of what he got and another one did the same with the old man. I was hungry enough to eat anything at that point so rapidly I ate the fish that didn’t taste to anything. Days kept passing like this until I lost track of them. One of those days they grabbed the old man and took him out and never saw him again. Through all this days I kept thinking about what I had said to Jacob about the trip, how it was a s stupid idea and I wish I hadn’t come. Those could have easily been the last words my brother and father would have heard from me and that just horrible feeling of regret just consumed me. The only thing I wanted to do before dying then was to apologize to my father and Jacob for saying those things. I wished none of this would have happen and that we would have enjoyed our trip together. If I could just see them one more time.

One day a pirate came in and with a mop and took me with him. He gave me the mop and ordered me to sweep the dock. I had never swept and so just tried however I could. He yelled at me it was wrong and hit me with it. He then proceeded to tell me how it was done and I listened carefully. Luckily I did it right the next time. Afterwards I did it every day. In one of those days I met Farid. He was three years younger than me. We exchanged stories, he was traveling to visit his mom at Kollam. He also told me he had heard the pirates’ plans were to take us to a not so far away near Sri Lanka and sell us as workers at  an illegal arm trading center. It was either that or working in illegal fishing. I was in so much relief we weren’t going to be killed There was hope to be saved though as they were suspicious of  some navy ships following them. He was right because one of those days as we were close to reach the shore. I saw far away through the distance I saw a ship. I was sure or at least I wanted to believe they were from the navy. All my hopes were then recovered and prayed to god it was them. I will always be thankful to God for having mercy on me and answering my pleas. After probably two days of having seen the ship, at night when everyone was trying to sleep we heard the sound of guns afterwards: Boom! A cannon exploded and we all shivered with the impact. Suddenly everyone started yelling  and the sound of guns filled the dark sky. It was the navy, they had come to rescue us. They fired the ship until we were all in flames. The pirates planned on leaving the ship instead of fighting back. They had tried throwing grenades back at them but it wasn’t working. There as the ship was burning down I saw Jacob being taken by a marine. I was suddenly in such relief I could have stayed there and sink under the flames dying happy. So instead of trying to escape I just laid there to tired to do anything waiting to die. Suddenly I just couldn’t breathe, the smoke had trapped me. After that I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I saw my dad and Jacob beside me. I could not believe what I was seeing. I wasn’t sure if I was dead or if I was dreaming. It was a miracle. I never had felt so happy in my life and I still haven’t. I thank god everyday for that moment. We just hold and hugged  each other as hard as we could with tears filling my eyes. I was speechless, my cry was the only thing I could express. We had been rescued and we were on our way home. Since then I have learned to enjoy every moment I spent with my family and the people I love as if it was the last minute left in my life, because you never know what may happen. Now I understand how beautiful life is and that you always have to see the bright side of every situation no matter what.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blog #1 - Antonio Vallejo

What is the current event the article deals with?

A truck driver who was participating in an amateur race at Lucerne Valley, California lost control and ended killing eight people from the crowd who presenced the race. Four people also ended up severly injured at hospitals and five other people had moderate injuries. It was then decided that he would not face charges as he was not considered responsible of the accident. Police stated the track and race was not safely organized.

Who are the people involved?

The people involved are the truck driver and the people who died or were injured.
What are the problems with the article?

There are many Bias involved with this article as there are opinions from some people like a police officer explaining it was not the driver's fault pointing out the unmarked track. "But as you can tell, there are no delineations to where the track begins and where the track ends at this point," (Joaquin Zubieta). There was also a Popular mechanics editor who said the people there always ran this kind of risks. This article is missing the opinions of the other side, the thoughts on the event form the relatives of the deceased and injured. They probably have a whole different opinion and we could see and analyze different perspectives further.

What is your opinion on the article?

This event is really tragic. I can't imagine how you go to this kind of events to have fun and then at the end of the night you end dead or injured. These people were looking to just enjoy the races but they probably didn't have  enough precaution. I don't think it wasn't the driver's fault either. It was seen that the track limits were not clearly delineated. The people were also much to close to the track and got into the truck's way. He had no intetnions to kill him nor I think it was an imprudence by him, he just wanted to win the race.