Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog #8 - Just Because Poem

Just Because There's Silence

Just because you are quiet
Doesn’t mean you don’t have something to say
It’s just not the right moment yet
To give your precious feelings away

Just because you remain silent
Doesn’t mean you don’t want to be heard
It’s just that they won’t listen closely
They won’t hear the graceful song of a bird

Just because you don’t grab attention
Doesn’t mean you are trying to hide
There’s no need for everyone but you
To really know and trust what’s inside

Just because you are alone
Doesn’t mean you won’t be given a chance
You just need to be patient to find
Someone that dances your same dance

Just because you think differently
Doesn’t mean you are crazy
It means everyone else is
And it’s ok if they never understand