Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog #6 - Antonio Vallejo

            There are times where God proves our will for good and benevolence. People are placed in our lives so we can give them help. I’ve always believed that we must show good intentions towards anything or anyone and any time we have the opportunity we must lend our hand to those in need no matter who it is. We must not expect that person to return the favor but a good cause always brings blessings. As a bishop devoted to God this is what I practice. Certainly I’ve had many situations to do so but there was one this time when I truly realized how important it is to keep a good heart towards anyone no matter how far from God they may be, we actually must help them get closer to him. Still to this day I remember that night, the night when he knocked on the door.
         It was another evening as usual. I had just taken my every day walk through town. Arriving home I continued with my duties. As I read and worked there in the middle of silence and tranquility it was time to have dinner. Madame Magloire was serving the plates as she was talking with sister Baptistine. She was saying something about locking the front door apparently because she had heard some nonsense rumors of a thief or fugitive, something like that so she thought we were running danger. The truth is I was not paying much attention to what she said and that idea was completely unnecessary.  There was no reason to be scared. Why should I deny anyone from coming to this home? After all it is God’s home not mine. Suddenly just as we spoke of the matter someone was knocking the front door, without thinking I just told him to come in as I did to anyone who knocked.
           The stranger opened the door as we all examined him as he stood there looking with uncertainty. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all by his presence but I remember looking at Madame Magloire who was frozen and terrified; I never understood why she always acts that way. The man looked desperate; I could see the suffering in his eyes. His skin was pale, his eyes were extremely tired and his voice was rough and so dry it was painful to hear. He explained who he was and his situation. I can recall his name was Jean Valjean. He said he was a convict that had been released and that he had walked 12 leagues looking for a place to stay but no one would let him in. How could I not offer this poor man my home when he had no shelter to rest? He was probably starving so the first thing I told Madam Magloire was to out another plate in the dining table. I will never forget Valjean’s face as I said this. He looked in confusion and amazement but still there was a joy at the same time shining in his eyes. He kept saying he was I convict but I tried to calm him down saying it did not matter. It made me feel glad he was now relieved and that I could give this poor man tranquility after so much misery. He offered to pay but I could not permit such thing, I could not take advantage of his situation. Knowing he had sinned I told him that he just had to regret what he did and look for good. I knew through his eyes that he had no bad intentions, he was just misunderstood, having no family he just needed love.
           However something happened the next day. Jean Valjean was gone, I wondered why he didn’t stay for breakfast. I was contemplating the delightful bright flowers in my garden, enjoying the fresh smell in the air when suddenly Madame Magloire came running in panic. It was not something unusual. Instantly I could deduce it was something related with the man that had stayed last night. I just wondered what he could’ve done. She asked me at first where the silver basket was, I handed it to her but then hysterically she asked where the silver was. Apparently it had been stolen by Valjean. I tried to calm her down. After all the silver didn’t belong to us at first, but it belonged to the poor. I did not feel any disgust towards the man as he was poor but felt sorrier for him. He evidently needed guidance and change his ways. His actions were comprehensible because of his necessities I just wished I could make follow the right path. I was thinking of this as there were several knocks on the door. At first I thought it could be him wanting to return the silver, maybe he had that much of honesty. I went to open the door and effectively he was there but in company of two officials. Shame and fear were widely present in his face. The officials were intimidating as they asked me if he had stolen the silver. There was no way I was going to let that poor man go to jail again I would never forgave myself for it. God understands why I had to lie; I had to save him from himself. I told them I had given him the silver. He was then set free but whispering I made him promised that he would use the silver to be an honest man. He deserved another opportunity and I had to give it to him. I haven't heard from him since then but my best wishes go to him. I hope he is having a better life. I'm sure he is doing fine and that he has learned from all his mistakes and that he has taken this opportunity to find God.